“小玫瑰”娜塔莉·多默(Natalie Dormer)自美剧《权力的游戏》热播后走红,其性感酷辣的形象也深得剧迷喜爱。日前,她为英国版《名利场》杂志8月刊拍摄了一组写真大片,如丝滑的礼服,包裹着这位光影中的颓废慵懒美人,尽显妩媚撩人。
科洛·莫瑞兹(Chloe Moretz)性感大片出炉 “超杀女”光芒四射
“超杀女”早已不是当年的“超杀女”了,如今的科洛·格蕾斯·莫瑞兹(Chloe Grace Moretz)是一枚不折不扣的性感尤物。这位明年将满19岁的97年生妹子,最近给《Modern Luxury》拍了一组写真大片,复古的置景和色调下,妹子可谓光芒四射。下午上班精神不振?那就跟小编一起来“赏色”吧,小编也不由地擦了擦口水。
“I miss playing Lincoln. Very much. I miss the proximity to his character. There was a time in my life when it wasn’t clear whether or not I would amount to anything. I was fearful about my future. In England, people were hell-bent on certifying me—to them, the way I work as an actor is the system of someone who is unhinged. As a young man, when I saw the early movies by Scorsese, I saw a way to be, a kind of liberation. In those movies, America seemed like a place of infinite opportunities. In Lincoln, we tried to show that sense of grand democratic possibility. We created a world I didn’t want to leave.” 阅读全文
科洛·莫瑞兹(Chloe Grace Moretz)为Marie Claire拍摄的一组写真
Hit Girl 科洛·莫瑞兹 (Chloe Grace Moretz) VOGUE Russa 写真[8P]
阳光小美女科洛·莫瑞兹近日的一组成熟又俏皮的大片,登上了俄罗斯VOGUE杂志的5月号。在摄影师Alix Malka的镜头下,莫瑞兹的复古短发十分惊艳。凭借《海扁王》为全世界所知的小萝莉最新的一部影片是和布蕾克·莱弗利共同主演的《乡下人》(Hick)。两人都是时尚宠儿,在片中布蕾克将饰演莫瑞兹的母亲,几张最新的剧照也展现了两人在片中相处的场景。