昆汀·塔伦蒂诺作品50大电影人物混剪(Top 50 Tarantino Characters)

昆汀·塔伦蒂诺作品50大电影人物混剪(Top 50 Tarantino Characters)

This was originally going to be two separate videos (yes…Vol. 1 and
Vol. 2), but whenever I watch Kill Bill Vol. 1, no matter what the day
has planned, Kill Bill Vol. 2 comes right after. So here I present
“The Whole Bloody Affair”. I wanted the first volume to have the
hyper-kinetic dominance that Bill Vol. 1 had, and I wanted the second
part to be much more of a meditation on the characters, like Bill Vol.

The list (created by AskMen.com) also contains characters from films that were only penned by QT. The first tune you can buy on Amazon, iTunes or wherever music is sold
on the bitching “DJANGO UNCHAINED” soundtrack. The second track was
produced by Tarantino enthusiast, Flying Lotus, who gave me a few
tracks to play with, but nailed it with this one.

Enjoy.@Jonathan Keogh



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