派拉蒙(Paramount)100周年海报 大家一起来猜电影(更新中英文电影名答案)


今年恰逢派拉蒙公司(Paramount)成立100周年,为此他们不但发布了全新的公司logo及片头,还特别委托洛杉矶Gallery 1988设计了一款100周年纪念海报,这张海报选取了派拉蒙100年来100部最具代表性的电影,大家不妨来猜猜看都是那些影片!(点击图像看大图)


第一排:Airplane大西洋城, Top Gun壮志凌云 , Psycho精神病人, Addams Family亚当斯一家, There Will Be Blood血色将至, Titanic 泰坦尼克, Transformers 变形金刚, Up in the Air在云端

第二排:Godfather教父, Friday the 13th13号星期五, Jackass the Movie蠢蛋搞怪秀, Wayne’s World反斗智多星, Paranormal Activity鬼影实录, Crocodile Dundee鳄鱼邓迪, Hunt for Red October猎杀红色十月, Election 校园风云

第三排:Catch 22第二十二条军规, Nashville纳什维尔 , Star trek the Motion Picture 星际迷航之无限太空, Rosemary’s Baby魔鬼圣婴, Raiders of the Lost Ark夺宝奇兵1:法柜奇兵, Beverly Hills Cop霹雳炮, Cleopatra埃及艳后, Saturday Night Fever 周末狂热

第四排:48 Hours48小时, Murder on the Orient Express东方快车谋杀案, Spongebob Squarepants海绵宝宝, Zoolander超级名模, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off春天不是读书天, 落难见真情 Planes, Trains & Automobiles, Ghost人鬼情未了, Meatballs肉丸

第五排:Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke冒烟, Bad News Bears少棒闯天下, Scrooged回到过去, Mission Impossible碟中谍, Breakfast at Tiffany’s蒂凡尼的早餐, Forest Gump阿甘正传, Cloverfield科洛弗档案, South Park Movie南方公园

第六排:True Grit大地惊雷, Escape from Alcatraz逃出亚卡拉, Truman Show楚门的世界, Warriors战士帮, Naked Gun白头神探, Ten Commandments 十诫

第七排:Team America World Police美国战队:世界警察, Paper Moon纸月亮, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory欢乐糖果屋, Pretty in Pink红粉佳人, No Country for Old Men老无所依, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape不一样的天空

第八排:Duck Soup鸭羹, Vertigo迷魂记, An Inconvenient Truth难以忽视的真相, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde化身博士, Trading Places交易所, An Officer and a Gentleman军官与绅士, Rango兰戈, Braveheart 勇敢的心

第九排: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button本杰明·巴顿奇事, Barbarella太空英雌芭芭丽娜, Days of Thunder雷霆壮志, The Nutty Professor肥佬教授, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom夺宝奇兵2:魔域奇兵, Harold and Maude哈洛与慕德, Fatal Attraction致命吸引力, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 夺宝奇兵3:圣战奇兵

第十排:Coming to America来到美国, Mommie Dearest亲爱的妈咪, GI Joe特种部队, Marathon Man霹雳钻, Serpico冲突, Beavis and Butthead瘪四与大头蛋, Footloose浑身是劲, Once Upon a Time in the West西部往事,

第十一排:Lara Croft: Tomb Raider古墓丽影 , King Kong金刚, Gulliver’s travels格列佛游记, Double Indemnity双重赔偿, Queen Elizabeth 伊丽莎白女王, War of the Worlds世界大战, Dream Girls梦幻女郎, Shutter Island 禁闭岛

第十二排:School of Rock摇滚校园, Sunset Boulevard日落大道, Flashdance闪电舞, Godfather Part 2教父2, Super 8超级8, Chinatown唐人街, The Fighter斗士, Hustle and Flow川流熙攘

第十三排:The Adventures of Tin Tin丁丁历险记, Justin Bieber Never Say Never贾斯汀·比伯:永不言败, Pet Sematary禁入墳場, Longest Yard最长的一码, Road to Morocco摩洛哥之路, rear Window后窗, Italian Job偷天换日, Wings翼



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