《豪斯医生》将于本季终结,第8季将是其最后一季 附官方声明


其实这算是一个聪明的决定,因为在本季之前,《豪斯》的续订命运就不甚乐观。首先是不与丽莎·艾德尔斯汀(Lisa Edelstein),接着与饰演豪斯密友Dr.Wilson的罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德续约陷入艰难,而且为了配合他百老汇舞台剧的演出而调整开拍时间,最后是男主角休·劳瑞,大叔在世界各地巡演时曾表示,也许《豪斯》之后,将不会再拍任何电视剧了,大叔,累了。

偏执、聪明、毒舌、身体和心理残缺、神秘且令人困惑……豪斯有着他自己的阴暗面,而他精湛的医术,以及时不时被人性感动而展现出来的别扭及反常都是人们极爱他的闪光点。就像福尔摩斯一样,他是一个极好的医生,而总有一天,他也会成为一个极好的人。即使到了第8季,我们也跟着豪斯医生见证了太多生命的反复无常,病例已经不再是吸引人的加分,但这一季依旧是非常优秀的一季。查琳·易(Charlyne Yi)和奥黛塔·安纳布尔(Odette Annable)是本季作为新角色加盟的,编剧们也为她们做足了人设,无论是她们还是豪斯及其他常驻角色,都值得一个体面震撼的终结



经过谨慎的商议和细致的考虑,《豪斯医生》(House M.D.)的制作人们做出了这样的决定:第8季,将是《豪斯》的最后一季了。剧集将播出到今年4月,共177集,这比在2004年彼时他们的预想,要多了175集。







Everybody Lies.

After much deliberation, the producers of House M.D. have decided that this season of the show, the 8th, should be the last. By April this year they will have completed 177 episodes, which is about 175 more than anyone expected back in 2004.

The decision to end the show now, or ever, is a painful one, as it risks putting asunder hundreds of close friendships that have developed over the last eight years – but also because the show itself has been a source of great pride to everyone involved.
Since it began, House has aspired to offer a coherent and satisfying world in which everlasting human questions of ethics and emotion, logic and truth, could be examined, played out, and occasionally answered. This sounds like fancy talk, but it really isn’t. House has, in its time, intrigued audiences around the world in vast numbers, and has shown that there is a strong appetite for television drama that relies on more than prettiness or gun play.

But now that time is drawing to a close. The producers have always imagined House as an enigmatic creature; he should never be the last one to leave the party. How much better to disappear before the music stops, while there is still some promise and mystique in the air.

The producers can never sufficiently express their gratitude to the hundreds of dedicated artists and technicians who have given so generously of their energy and talent to make House the show it has been – and perhaps will continue to be for some time, on one cable network or another.

The makers of House would also like to thank Fox Broadcasting and Universal Television for supporting the show with patience, imagination and large quantities of good taste. The Studio-As-Evil-Adversary is one of the many clichés that House has managed to avoid, and for that the cast and crew are deeply grateful.

Lastly, the audience: some have come and some have gone, obviously. This is to be expected in the life of any show. But over the course of the last eight years, the producers of House have felt immensely honored to be the subject of such close attention by an intelligent, discriminating, humane and thoughtful – not to mention numerous – audience. Even the show’s detractors have been flattering in their way. Making the show has felt like a lively and passionate discussion about as many different subjects as could possibly be raised in 177 hours. The devotion and generosity of our viewers has been marvelous to behold.

So, finally, everyone at House will bid farewell to the audience and to each other with more than a few tears, but also with a deep feeling of gratitude for the grand adventure they have been privileged to enjoy for the last eight years. If the show lives on somewhere, with somebody, as a fond memory, then that is a precious feat, of which we will always be proud.

Everybody Lies.


演员Olivia Wilde:“《豪斯医生》粉,这是一个时代的终结。永远不会再有这样的剧了。我很荣幸能参与其中。”

演员Jesse Spencer:“再见,《豪斯医生》。”

执行制作Greg Yaitanes:“感谢团队和粉丝们……我们将给大家带来惊艳的大结局。”

然后FOX娱乐总裁Kevin Reilly代表电视台发表了一份声明,全是官话:感到遗憾,尊重决定,只有一个豪斯,团队厉害,故事好,角色棒,感谢制作,感谢粉丝。




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