

DC电影里的“超人”亨利·卡维尔Henry Cavill)因为身在匈牙利,最近才看《海王》(Aquaman)。显然他很喜欢这部DC漫画电影,专门在Instagram上发照片祝贺杰森·莫玛(Jason Momoa)——不过他祝贺的方式还真是……让人忍俊不禁!

《海王》的全球票房(8.463亿美元)目前已经超过DC的《神奇女侠》、《正义联盟》以及漫威的《银河护卫队》,还差$3000万就将超越《超人大战蝙蝠侠》(Batman v Superman)。破10亿美元大关只是个时间问题。

Instagram 原文

henrycavill:Channeling the man of the hour, the man of big hugs, big laughs and big pints of Guinness, my man Jason Momoa. How’d I do?

Seriously though, I just finally got the chance to watch Aquaman here in Hungary. Jason, James and everyone involved in that movie, smashes it out of the (water)park. If you haven’t seen it yet, go check it out.
Jason, love you bro, you crushed it.



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