影史百佳赞美对白(The 100 Greatest Movie Compliments Of All Time)

影史百佳赞美对白(The 100 Greatest Movie Compliments Of All Time)

One of the most famous movie mashups in recorded history is editing wizard Harry Hanrahan’s “100 Greatest Movie Insults Of All Time.”

It’s a true masterpiece and we couldn’t have come up with a better list of jibes if we spent a year working on it. But for every yin there must be a yang, for every winter, a spring, and for every insult, a compliment.

唇语恶搞笑短片《行尸走肉》爆笑神同步配音 总督唱歌给你听 超清双语字幕.

唇语恶搞笑短片《行尸走肉》爆笑神同步配音 总督唱歌给你听 超清双语字幕.

@Justin好心 独立第三发,超清双语字幕.恶搞<行尸走肉>爆笑神同步配音…YOUTUBE上最近超火的视频 被重新剪辑配音改成搞笑的一个个神同步段子.总督最后唱起音乐剧..不过有一句梗没体会到.你们自己感受一下..-热狗梗和鸟屎梗已经把我笑溃了…求扩散