@铁手Desperado 二战结束后的六十余年中,150年前一度在德国销声匿迹的狼群逐渐从东欧返回。前德军特种队员Werner Freund已经和狼群生活了超过四十年,他甚至还是一支狼群的“头狼”。他需要对抗的,除了自己日益恶化的身体情况,还有人类社会对于狼的深深成见
影史百佳赞美对白(The 100 Greatest Movie Compliments Of All Time)
One of the most famous movie mashups in recorded history is editing wizard Harry Hanrahan’s “100 Greatest Movie Insults Of All Time.”
It’s a true masterpiece and we couldn’t have come up with a better list of jibes if we spent a year working on it. But for every yin there must be a yang, for every winter, a spring, and for every insult, a compliment.
影史百佳口头威胁(The 100 Greatest Movie Threats of All Time)
混剪作者 Harry Hanrahan 喜欢他的剪辑可以到他的油管主页