

华纳近日有公布了第二张《钢铁之躯》的横幅。并且由配乐大神Hans Zimmer作曲的原声大碟的所有曲目都公布了试听,等不及的Fans可以到这里解解馋了.
1. Look to the Stars
2. Oil Rig
3. Sent here for a Reason
4. DNA
5. Goodbye My Son
6. If You Love These People
7. Krypton’s Last
8. Terraforming
9. Tornado
10. You Die or I Do
11. Launch
12. Ignition
13. I Will Find Him
14. This is Clark Kent
15. I Have So Many Questions
16. Flight
17. What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World?

1. Man of Steel (Hans’ Original Sketchbook)
2. Are You Listening, Clark?
3. General Zod
4. You Led Us Here
5. This Is Madness!
6. Earth
7. Arcade